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Stay on track with our academic advisors
All psychology majors with more than 29 semester hours of college course work are advised within the department.
If you are a declared Psychology major, please use My Appointments (found in the Student Information section of MyUI) to make an appointment. You will need to log in to MyUI using your HawkID and password.
Our Academic Advisors

Kasey Hagedorn, M.Ed.

Janeil Page-Jamison, M.A., M.F.A.

Tiffany Phillips, MHEA
Scheduling an Advising Appointment
Schedule an appointment if you have detailed questions about such things as: your degree audit and requirements, study abroad, careers or graduate school opportunities, or you need to complete financial aid (SAP) forms. Appointments cannot be scheduled during Drop-in Hours. While students are officially assigned to one advisor they can schedule an appointment with either advisor
If you are a declared Psychology major, please use the Online Scheduler. You will need to log in using your HawkID and password. Each appointment is 30 minutes except during registration advising when appointments are 20 minutes.
If you are not a declared Psychology major or have trouble scheduling an appointment online, you can make an appointment by calling the Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences office at 319-335-2406.
Registration Advising
Psychology majors who have earned more than 60 semester hours and who are advised by the Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences and have Psychology as their first declared major are automatically cleared to register. Advising for course selection is optional.
For students who would like help selecting courses for the upcoming semester, advisors are available to meet with students a few weeks prior to the beginning of the early registration period (November and April). These short individual meetings are by appointment only and typically only include discussion of classes for the next session. Discussion of long-term issues should be deferred until Early Registration ends. The Psychology advisors will send an instructional email to all majors several weeks before Early Registration begins.
Although students are encouraged to seek advice and assistance in planning their academic programs from advisors and faculty, formal responsibility for meeting University and departmental requirements rests with the student.