Kelly Danaher
Research Interests
Self-Stereotyping; Stereotype Threat; Performance in Stereotyped Domains; Stigmatized Identities; Multiple Identity Management;Stereotypes as Standards;Gender
Representative Publications
Danaher, K., Kinney, P., Sullivan Gomez, S. (2018, March). To declare or not to declare: Identity choice of first year students in a broad admissions university. Poster presented at the Illinois Summit on Diversity in Psychological Science, Champaign, IL.
Danaher, K. (2017, May). “Freshman 15” stereotype threat undermines meal selection in college freshmen. Poster presented at the Midwestern Psychological Association Annual Conference, Chicago, IL.
Danaher, K. (2016, May). Weight bias intervention in a general psychology class. Poster presented at the Midwestern Psychological Association Annual Conference, Chicago, IL
Biernat, M., & Danaher, K. (2012). Interpreting and reacting to feedback in stereotype-relevant
performance domains. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 48, 271-276. doi:10.1016/j.jesp.2011.08.010
Danaher, K. & Branscombe, N. R. (2010). Maintaining the system with tokenism: Bolstering individual mobility beliefs and identification with a discriminatory organization. British Journal of Social Psychology, 49, 343-362. doi:10.1348/014466609X457530
Danaher, K., & Crandall, C. S. (2008). Stereotype threat in applied settings re-examined. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 38, 1639-1655. doi: 10.1111/j.1559- 1816.2008.00362.x