Jodie Plumert
Research Interests
Risk taking in typically- and atypically-developing populations, perceptual-motor development, unintentional childhood injuries, parent-child communication, development of spatial memory and communication
Primary Research Area
Developmental Science
Training Areas
Research Group
Representative Publications
Parr, M. D. N, O’Neal, E. O., Zhou, S., Williams, B., Butler, K. M., Chen, A., Kearney, J. K., & Plumert, J. M. (2023). How children judge affordances when walking and bicycling across virtual roads: Does mode of locomotion matter? Developmental Psychology, 59(6), 1098–1108.
O’Neal, E. E., Rahimian, P., Jiang, Y., Zhou, S. Nikolas, M., Kearney, J. K., & Plumert, J. M. (2022). How do child ADHD symptoms and oppositionality impact parent-child interactions when crossing virtual roads? Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 47(3), 337-349.
Rahimian, P., Plumert, J. M., & Kearney, J. K. (2021). The effect of visuomotor latency on steering behavior in virtual reality. Frontiers in Virtual Reality, Volume 2, Article 727858.
Parr, M. D. N., Tang, H., Mallaro, S. R., Kearney, J. K., & Plumert, J. M. (2021). Do inattention/hyperactivity and motor timing predict children’s virtual road-crossing performance? Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 46(9), 1130-1139.
O’Neal, E. E., Zhou, S., Jiang, Y., Kearney, J. K., & Plumert, J. M. (2021). Let’s cross the next one: Parental scaffolding of prospective control over movement. Child Development, 92(2), e173-e185. DOI: 10.1111/cdev.13457
Jiang, Y., O’Neal, E. E., Zhou, S., Plumert, J. M., & Kearney, J. K. (2020). Crossing roads with a computer-generated agent: Persistent effects on perception-action tuning. ACM Transactions on Applied Perception, 18(1), Article 4.
Hund, A. M., Plumert, J. M., & Recker, K. M. (2020). Visually scaling distance from memory: Do midline boundaries make a difference? Spatial Cognition & Computation, 20(2), 134-159.
O’Neal, E. E., Jiang, Y., Brown, K., Kearney, J. K., & Plumert, J. M. (2019). How does crossing roads with friends impact risk taking in young adolescents and adults? Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 44, 726-735.
Plumert, J. M., Hund, A. M., & Recker, K.K. (2019). Is scaling up harder than scaling down? How children and adults visually scale distance from memory. Cognition, 185, 39-48.
Jiang, Y., O’Neal, E. E., Rahimian, P., Yon, J.P., Plumert, J. M., & Kearney, J. K. (2019). Joint action in a virtual environment: Crossing roads with risky vs. safe human and agent partners. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 25, 2886-2895. DOI: 10.1109/TVCG.2018.2865945
Lorenz, M. G., & Plumert, J. M. (2019). Mother-child communication about relative proximity to a landmark: What role does prototypicality play? Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 178, 41-59.
- Action
- Development
- Developmental Disorders
- Developmental Psychopathology
- Executive Function
- Language and Communication
- Learning and Memory
- Perception
- Temperament