Isabel Muzzio

Ronnie Ketchel Professor

Isabel Muzzio CV

Research Interests

My long-term goal as a scholar is to advance the biological understanding of memory. The areas my lab has been focusing on include: 1) Effects of fear on encoding and stability of spatial representations in the dorsal and ventral hippocampus. 2) Strategies, representations, and circuits underlying spatial reorientation -the ability to regain one’s bearings after becoming lost. 3) Effects of sleep on memory and hippocampal representations. These research areas have strong impact on brain health because several neurodegenerative diseases are characterized by memory loss and/or disorientation. We have addressed these topics recoding single-units and calcium signals in freely moving mice in combination with genetic, optogenetic, chemogenetic, behavioral, and computational tools.

Training Areas

Behavioral & Cognitive Neuroscience

Research Group

Health Psychology

Representative Publications

Publications can be viewed on PubMed.

Research areas
  • Behavioral Neuroscience
  • Brain Imaging
  • Emotion
  • Health
  • Learning and Memory
  • Neural Plasticity
  • Sleep
Isabel Muzzio
Ph.D., Rutgers University, 1999
Contact Information

279 Psychological and Brain Sciences Building (PBSB)
Iowa City, IA 52242
United States


214 Spence Labs (SLP)
Iowa City, IA 52242
United States