Isaac Petersen

Associate Professor

Isaac Petersen CV

Prospective graduate students interested in working with Dr. Petersen can apply to any of the graduate training areas of the Department: Clinical Science, Individualized Graduate Training Track, Cognition, and Behavioral and Cognitive Neuroscience. For more information on joining Dr. Petersen's Developmental Psychopathology Lab, see the lab website. Prospective graduate students should read the application guidelines for applying to the Developmental Psychopathology Lab.

Research Interests

Clinical child psychology, developmental psychopathology, externalizing behavior problems, self-regulation, school readiness, developmental cognitive neuroscience

Training Areas

Behavioral & Cognitive Neuroscience

Clinical Science


Research Group

Cognitive Control

Developmental Psychopathology

Developmental Science

Representative Publications

Publications can be viewed on Google Scholar or the Petersen lab website.

Research areas
  • Clinical Science
  • Cognitive Neuroscience
  • Development
  • Developmental Disorders
  • Developmental Psychopathology
  • Emotion
  • Executive Function
  • Language and Communication
  • Psychopathology
  • Stress
  • Temperament
Isaac Petersen.jpeg
Ph.D., Indiana University, 2016
Contact Information

175 Psychological and Brain Sciences Building (PBSB)
Iowa City, IA 52242
United States