David Watson
Research Interests
Mood and temperament; psychometrics and personality assessment; accuracy and bias in person perception; personality stability versus change across the lifespan; depression and mood disorders; anxiety disorders, including obsessive-compulsive disorder
Training Areas
Representative Publications
Naragon-Gainey, K., Watson, D., & Markon, K. (2009). Differential relations of depression and social anxiety symptoms to the facets of extraversion/positive emotionality. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 118, 299-310
Chmielewski, M., & Watson, D. (2009). What is being assessed and why it matters: The impact of transient error on trait research. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 97, 186-202.
Koffel, E., & Watson, D. (2009) The two-factor structure of sleep complaints and its relation to depression and anxiety. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 118, 183-194.
Watson, D. (2009). Differentiating the mood and anxiety disorders: A quadripartite model. Annual Review of Clinical Psychology, 5, 221-247.