Senior Temyia Holcomb, who is a honors psychology major in PBS, was recently awarded the CLAS

Dean's Achievement Award.
Nominated undergraduate students must be eligible for services from the Center for Inclusive Academic Excellence (CIAE), formerly the Center for Diversity and Enrichment (CDE). The awards will be made at the Center for Inclusive Academic Excellence Graduation Reception on Wednesday, May 11, 2022.
The College looks upon the nomination process as an opportunity for individual faculty who teach, advise, and often mentor students in the major department to recommend students whom they consider deserving of special awards and recognition. Students nominated have made significant contributions to the university or surrounding communities through their vision and action. In addition, the students demonstrate responsibility, inspiration, diligence, and good judgment. Ms.Holcomb was nominated by Professor Susan Lutgendorf.
Congratulations Temyia Holcomb on your outstanding achievement!