J. Toby Mordkoff

Associate Professor

Research Interests

  • Human Information Processing
  • Visual Attention
  • Inferential Statistical Analysis

Primary Research Area

Cognition & Perception

Training Areas

Behavioral & Cognitive Neuroscience


Research Group

Cognitive Control

Visual Perception

Representative Publications

Bahle, B., Thayer, D. D., Mordkoff, J. T., & Hollingworth, A.  (2020).  The architecture of working memory: Features from multiple remembered objects produce parallel, coactive guidance of attention in visual search.  Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, in press.

Mordkoff, J.T.  (2019).  A simple method for removing bias from a popular measure of standardized effect size: Adjusted partial eta squared  Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science, 2, 228-232.

Mordkoff, J.T.  (2017).  Effects of average uncertainty and trial-type frequency on choice response time: A hierarchical extension of Hick/Hyman Law.  Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 24, 2012-2020.

Mordkoff, J. T., & Danek, R. H. (2011). Dividing attention between color and shape revisited: Redundant targets coactivate only when parts of the same perceptual object.Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 73, 103-112.

Mordkoff, J. T., & Halterman, R. (2008). Feature integration without visual attention: Evidence from the correlated flankers task. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 15, 385-389.

Mordkoff, J. T., Miller, J., & Roch, A.-C. (1996). Absence of coactivation within the motor component: Evidence from psychophysiological measures of target detection. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 22, 25-41.

Mordkoff, J. T., & Yantis, S. (1991). An interactive race model of divided attention. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 17, 520-538.

Research areas
  • Action
  • Attention
  • Cognitive Neuroscience
  • Executive Function
Toby Mordkoff
Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University, 1991
Contact Information

174 Psychological and Brain Sciences Building (PBSB)
Iowa City, IA 52242
United States


E306 SSH
Iowa City, IA 52242
United States

Phone Number