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Applying to the Graduate Program: A Step-by-Step Guide
Step 1: Identify potential mentors
Identify potential mentors by reviewing individual faculty and research topics to better understand the breadth and complementary nature of faculty research interests and how they fit with your own.
Contact individual faculty via email to explore your fit with their research programs and ask about opportunities for the upcoming year.
Step 2: Fill out an application
Fill out the University of Iowa online application through the admissions office . After this process is complete, an email will be sent to you about establishing your HawkID and password (if you do not currently have one). You will receive the email with instructions within 24 hours of submitting your application. Please be patient and feel free to check in with us if you have questions or do not not receive your ID.
Step 3: Submit your program-specific materials
Step 3: When you have created your HawkID, you will be able to log into MyUI and submit your program-specific materials. These materials will include:
- Your statement of purpose
- Please provide a statement (700-1500 words, double-spaced) in which you discuss your research interests, prior research experience and accomplishments, and professional goals. Additionally, please address the following somewhere in your statement:
- State which member or members of our faculty would serve best as a potential mentor. For each potential mentor, describe why their research interests you and how you could see yourself contributing to their research activities.
- Describe your highest math or statistics course(s) and the topics that were covered. Also, if you have experience with quantitative or computational approaches outside the classroom (e.g., in a research experience), include that relevant information and the quantitative skills you obtained from it.
- Your transcript (unofficial is fine at this stage)
- A current curriculum vita
- The names and contact information for three letters of recommendation (letter writers will submit their letters electronically through the Office of Admissions application, a process that you will be able to monitor);
- A set of questions about specific program interests, including the identification of one or more potential faculty mentors and research interests;
- Applicants should NOT submit GRE scores. They are no longer required.
Application deadline
All materials must be received by December 1st for the fall term.
Coordinator of Graduate Studies: Ryan LaLumiere
Application Process
The application process has two main components, one general component that establishes the applicant in the Graduate College system and provides an ID and access to the rest of the process, and a second that is the submission of program-specific (i.e., Psychology) materials:
- An application to the University of Iowa Graduate College (completed online through the Apply Online form)
- Submission of program-specific materials (completed online through the Admissions Profile in MyUI)
You must complete both components to be reviewed for admission into the program.
In addition, we require that you submit an unofficial academic record/transcript to your Admissions Profile in MyUI and three letters of recommendation. If you are admitted, official transcripts will be required before your enrollment.
- The letters of recommendation are submitted electronically by the letter writers through the Office of Admissions application.
Mailing Addresses:
Office of Admissions
Enrollment Management
The University of Iowa
2900 University Capitol Centre
201 S. Clinton St.
Iowa City, IA 52242
Department of Psychological & Brain Sciences
The University of Iowa
G60 Psychological and Brain Sciences Building
340 Iowa Ave.
Iowa City, IA 52242-1210
Note: The information requested in the application process will be used solely for the purpose of making an admission decision about you. No persons outside the University are routinely provided this information. Responses to items marked "optional" are, of course, optional. Responses to all other items are required. If you fail to provide the required information, you will not be able to submit this application.
Application Instructions
The application process for the graduate program in psychology consists of a two-part process. For the first part of the process, you will need to complete an application to the University of Iowa Graduate College. This is completed online through Apply Online hosted by the Office of Admissions. For the second part of the application process, you will need to submit program-specific materials, such as letters of recommendation, statement of purpose, supplemental data and resume or curriculum vitae. These materials are required and are submitted online through the Admissions Profile in MyUI.
Step 1: Create an Apply Online account or login using an existing account
As an applicant to the University of Iowa Graduate College, you will need to create an account with the Office of Admissions to begin the application process. To create an account, proceed to the Apply Online page and click the Create Account button. If you have created an account in the past, you can use that account to login. If you are currently enrolled as a student at the University of Iowa, note that this username and password are different from your HawkID and password.
Step 2: Complete the Apply Online application
The Graduate College Application for Admission consists of several sections: Personal Information, Admission Information, Education Information and Residency Information. Complete all of the sections in the application, providing information for all of the required fields. On the Admission Information section, select the appropriate session to which you are applying for. Then, select the Psychology option from Department or Program dropdown field. Then select PHD (thesis) from the Degree dropdown field.

Step 3: Verify and submit application
After completing all of the sections in the Graduate College Application for Admission, there is an opportunity to verify and validation the application. Once verified and validated, you will provide payment and submit the application. Once the application is completed and submitted, an email confirmation will arrive to the email address used to create your account. There is an opportunity to Print Application at the end of the application.

Step 4: Submit program-specific materials
Once you have completed the Graduate College Application for Admission, an email will be sent on how to establish your HawkID and password (if you do not currently have one). You will use your HawkID and password to access MyUI, the University's online service center for students and applicants. You will receive the email with instructions within 24 hours of submitting your application.
Once you have access to MyUI, you can begin the second phase of your application. By logging into MyUI, and proceeding to the Admissions Profile page, you will see a list of program-specific materials (referred to in the system as "supplemental materials") that you will need to submit. This includes adding three letters of reference, uploading a statement of purpose, uploading a resume and/or curriculum vitae and completing a supplemental data form (an online form that allows the department to collect important information relating to your preferred faculty mentors, research groups, and previous academic performance).